Monday, February 2, 2009

sew what

i have a yen to sew. the problem is i'm crap at it. my sister is the one who is good at sewing. so much so (oh dear) that if i ever tried sewing - or any kind of needle-y stuff - my sister would take pity on me and kind of take over. and i would happily relinquish responsibility, and get a garment that was actually finished and wearable too.
but i'm trying to grow up, and know how to do things for myself.
sewing's on the list. there's a place in richmond that offers classes so i might go there.
and there's a book i can buy (isn't there always something you can buy?)
then i can be clever like this angry chicken woman and adapt clothes.
i have clothes in my head quite a lot. i wonder if this is special or just a girl-thing.
my mum sewed clothes for my sister and me when we were little. cute basic stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Shmon - I've seen this book at Brunswick Bound in Sydney Road I think - also other places, maybe Readings and/or Artisan
    Not as far away as the Amazon!
