Friday, July 23, 2010

big bunny

large decoupaged bunny somewhere in korea
it's been a long while since i blogged like rabbits
they remain a joy, and it's funny once you start looking, you see them everywhere ...
1. beci orpin's bunny
2. "light" bunny
3. flying rabbit by felipe alonso, found here

Thursday, July 15, 2010

building blocks

i just went to look at a new exhibition, kodama, return to me at eg et al - works by yuko fujita, melbourne-based jeweller/artist
the works are carefully carved and sculpted pieces of salvaged wooden objects, spoons, clogs, hangers, toys, more spoons
i thought some pieces looked like huge coloured pencils, rough hewn with the lead bevilled and levelled
the work certainly stimulated my thoughts
i've seen a few other examples of hewn wood and building blocks in the past week,
these (let's face it, probably vintage) blocks sighted in the design files' visit to the home of "felicity and david of yellow diva"
beautiful warm woody colours, and more than your ordinary shapes
i also saw a blurb for blocks made from furniture off-cuts, (aren't furniture designers canny spinning money from recylcing resources)
they are called "stackees" and are by thomas place

another set of wooden blocks made of wood remants, these are "pile ons"

i'm trying to think about other building blocks...
not necessarily "cells are the building blocks of life", but i suppose stepping stones ...
things we learn, putting it all together, not worrying if it falls down, just enjoying the puzzle and the surprise of what you come up with.
the pile ons look like stones, but maybe too wobbly to step on ...

addendum. very lovely blocks ... my favourites so far

but these are good too! woodmouse made