Thursday, March 25, 2010

things of stone and wood and other things

i like when things happen accidentally, even better when a few things occur synchronistically
i found this page today and it included some beautiful images and discussion of the work of roger ackling
Roger Ackling works with discarded materials: recycled card from the backs of writing pads; fragments of wood which have been thrown away or lost. He finds his wood on the margins, the places where things meet ...
The pieces which he chooses have always had some previous use. Wood which was shaped into an object by some unknown joiner, put to use and then tossed aside. By the time Ackling finds them, among the tide-wrack and the flies, the original artefact - chair or ladder or box - will have fallen apart at the seams, and lain out long enough for its elements to be chamfered smooth by the sea and the sand and to be bleached by the wind and the salt. What they were once is anybody's guess; they have become abstract.
they are beautiful in this abstraction.
and yesterday i succumbed to a recent issue of the world of interiors (feb 2010) which included a spread on the house of sculptors mary sikkel and simon gaiger.
pieces by gaiger are promiment in the house, he carves in wood, and has made the most, i want to say langurous but that's not the right word, benches
plain (plane!) but with a seat shallowly carved out - caressing or cupping the body. perhaps they are sensuous benches

Friday, March 19, 2010

your heart, my soul

space s
i saw this image in the latest art and australia,
erica van zon's take this with you
i'm not sure i understand the reference.
don't make your heart a place of peril, a place others dread?



i thought the other day,
my body has become a sheltered workshop rather than a temple
a place where i feel supported and i can function, but where i can take comfort in not aspiring to more

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

movement and light

yesterday i saw a series of images that reminded me of each other
i struggled to quite see the connection at first,
in the end, they all reminded me of movement and light
the sea life, sunshine & swells
guardian camera club, monthly assignment - night photography
Night vision. The London Eye transformed by light at nightPhotograph: Anthony Davies/Flickr

lott llov lights - german knitted light covers...

Non-Camo Netting, 2009

more of the sea life...