Monday, February 16, 2009

glow mesh

like many others who drive down victoria rd, thornbury, i'm delighted by a garden filled with colourful animals.
this is no skanky christmas display but beautiful life-size creatures created out of coloured mesh.
this is the work of tom ripon.
apparently he's hard to contact. i googled "mesh animals" to find his name, and then googled his name to find a story in the local leader newspaper reporting that one of his kangaroos had been stolen from his front yard, bounder grabs roo from thornbury sculptor.
i also found a lament that tom doesn't have a website making him hard to find. weird how we take the choice not to go online personally.
but he makes beautiful work and soon, very soon i'm going to stop the car instead of driving past and ask whether i can adopt one of these marvellous creatures.


  1. Thanks for linking to my Tom Ripon post. I'd appreciate you also mentioning that the bottom photo is from my site. I'm happy for my content to be reproduced elsewhere but I expect that you abide by the terms of my Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. Thanks.
