Monday, September 13, 2010

a triggered awareness of vernacular loveliness ...

now isn't that a beautiful sentence?
i read it just recently in a new yorker review of the work of gabriel orozco. words and thoughts by peter schjeldahl

here's another line i really liked from the review, well, i'll include the context, but the line is the very last one,
There is no Orozco style, unless it’s his penchant for found, drawn, and sculpted circles and spheres. He evinces a blind spot for painting, with inert geometric canvases, but never a failure of nerve. Consider the whale (“Mobile Matrix”), a commission for a new library in Mexico City: the skeleton of a thirty-five-foot leviathan marked in graphite with segments of overlapping circles, now suspended majestically, and magically, in MOMA’s atrium. The marks are like a set of thoughts about something that happens to be, right there with you, a whale.

a triggered awareness of vernacular loveliness ...
it reminds me of ... well, everyday loveliness this

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